Author Topic: Transfer Express Offers Free September Webinar Comparing Full-Color Transfer Opt  (Read 788 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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When it comes to printing full-color artwork, a photo or an image with a lot of colors on a garment, a transfer may be the fastest, easiest and most cost-effective method. The trick is understanding the options and the variables that determine the best transfer for the job. The September free online class offered by Transfer Express will explore the four types of full-olor transfers and compare them to help you make the best choice for you.

You’ll learn what transfers apply to different types of shirts and how fabric affects your choice. This interactive class also will discuss the feel and looks that can be achieved as well as application, pricing and minimum orders.

Join us Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018, from 2 p.m.-3 p.m., EDT, to learn how to make the most of full-color transfers. Register for “Comparing Full-Color Transfer Options” and find out about other Transfer Express educational webinars at

For more information, contact STAHLS’ Transfer Express at (440) 918-1900; toll-free (800) 622-2280; email: or visit the website at