Author Topic: Anyone using the new lower heat platen technology to cure DTG?  (Read 1473 times)

Offline paradoxsc

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I got an email with some really bold claims from omniprint/hotronix about their "new" lower heat platen technology.

1) It said you can lower your cure times on ink and pretreat up to 66% cutting down to a third of the normal time.
2) Then they claimed that it eliminates the heat press square left on reds and other touchy colored shirts from the pretreat.
3) They also claimed that the prints wouldn't fade as much when you cure it from below too.
They also had some other claims related to vinyl and other applications that seemed too good to be true

Sounds like snake oil to me. If all of that were true wouldn't someone have done this already? Heat presses have been around since the 70's i'm sure someone has tried to do this before. Hopefully someone with experience can chime in.

Offline JeridHill

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Re: Anyone using the new lower heat platen technology to cure DTG?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2018, 08:08:46 AM »
We are a dealer for Hotronix and haven't really tried it yet but it would require two 20 amp outlets from my understanding. So it's not real practical for most setups. That's about all I know without testing and at this stage, I'm not sure we plan on it. I'll ask around and see if anyone has any intentions of bringing one in.