We've made some changes to UltraSeps Color Separation Software and releasing it as an enhanced version.
Simple and easy install to all your systems. Gone is the Request Number - Authorization Code process.
No unlock code needed! Not affected with hardware changes, moving to new hard drives, etc.
Super Fast!
New Plugins - Compatible with versions of Photoshop yet to be released.
The new plugins and scripts will also be compatible with future Windows and Mac OS releases and work with the new (non-Intel) processor Apple is switching to in 2020.
Due to these changes, Version 3 should cover your color separation needs for the next decade or more.
Find out more here:
https://v3.ultraseps.comGet $100 off by using coupon code
shirtboard at checkout.
Instant download following purchase plus free bonus software on the Version 3 mini site link above.
An upgrade is available for current UltraSeps users.Contact us
info@ultraseps.com for information on how to upgrade.