Author Topic: Ryonet Offers Action Engineering Platens Standard On Riley Hopkins 300 Presses  (Read 807 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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Action Engineering aluminum platens now come standard with the new Riley Hopkins 300 screen printing press from Ryonet. Designed with ergonomics, speed and ease of use in mind, two simple but effective features set these platens apart:

•   Two hand-grippers located on the front edge of the platen that protect hands from heat that’s retained by the aluminum during printing and allow for quick spinning

•   A front and back center notch that lets you mark the center of the platen quickly and easily using a straight-edge without measuring with a tape

In addition, the Riley platens include a special spacer plate for proper height adjustment when used with wooden platens.

The new platens for the Riley 300 can be purchased separately and added to older Riley Hopkins presses or any other manual press on the market. They are available in a range of sizes and include a full line of adapters to make it possible to print a variety of items on a manual or automatic press.

Check out the Action Engineering aluminum platens and accessories and the Riley 300 at
and see them in action at

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