screen printing > DIY - From master engineered marvels to cobbled together jury-rigged or Jerry-built junk!
DIY Belt Dryer
If you keep looking you might find one for free that someone wants to dump, or you might find one real cheap that needs a little work. I started out using waterbase inks and dried shirts on a hanger in the sun and my wife's oven then move to a flash unit, saved every penny I could, then got lucky and bought a whole shop of equipment for around 1600 bucks....just keep looking shop's are up upgrading and going out of biz everyday for one reason or another so equipment is out there to be had.
and to build one would cost your more than you think, a belt itself could eat up your budget.
--- Quote from: BartJY on August 03, 2018, 11:20:24 AM ---Folks,
Thanks for all the advice.
$1000 is really too much for me to spend at this time.
If not a belt dryer, what about a flash dryer? What should I look for in a good used flash dryer? How do I know what a good one is? Are there websites out there that do reviews on Silk Screen equipment?
--- End quote ---
The problem is....even a GOOD flash dryer is going to run you at least $500.
If you do end up going Flash Dryer to cure....DO NOT CURE ON THE PRESS PLATENS.....been there, done that, replaced the platens.
Saw a customer use a heat shrink tunnel. I think I have seen it all.
You could put 2 flashes over a 18" conveyor.
homemade dryer sounds like a fire hazard to me. If you want to be in business, there are costs that go with it. There isn't any schooling for this industry. Cost of equipment and all the mistakes you're about to make - consider that your tuition......
go buy a heat gun @ Home Depot. 50.00 and you're in business..
Crazy Mike:
The cheapest way to get a good cure my be to use a heat gun to set print and finish using a
hot press for a final cure. Or use your oven in your stove at home.
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