"He who marches out of step hears another drum." ~ Ken Kesey
Andy....................WHERE IS STEP WEDGE MAN?
Ya, I had to snicker a bit. The Step Wedge process had been discussed for many many years (here and previous places) even though I had not seen mention of it recently until this post. So had to call out for the Super Hero, lol.
Naw, was kidding from the many posts for Step Wedge posted on the previous sites we used to visit. I never used a camera for film.However, my dad was a Lithographer and I remember the times he used to tray develop film from a really large camera and do the set up and taping to burn plates.
This is what I remember my father running. A Multilith 1250 with a T head to run 2 colors and a one color press. He came from a background of the really big 4 color Harris (I think that was the name) presses before he opened a small Quick Copy 'style' mom and pop store.