"He who marches out of step hears another drum." ~ Ken Kesey
Rockers:Since not all Low Bleed whites are created equal for bleed resistance (or printability) - What level of bleed blocking are you looking for?Would you be importing this or getting it locally?We have used Street Fighter Low Bleed for most of the last 5+ years. Best low bleed properties of the Rutland line of inks but batch to batch consistency has, historically, been up and down. It seems to have gotten better in the last 5-6 months - essentially after Poly One bought them.We have also used quite a bit of Joe's Synergy Poly ink. Fantastic ink! But on the pricey side, especially for shipping to Japan.Since you are able to buy Wilflex out of China - Have you tried the Wilflex low bleed whites available to you? What about their low cure ink lines?
Fast flash, low tack, can be printed at higher speeds and must be able to handle fibrillation well. Short bodied. Matte finish, no blowing agents.
It`s not like that we don`t like the Epic Sprint white but we find ourself more and more in a situation where we would need a LB white instead of a 100% cotton white.So what`s out there you would recommend me.I heard good things about the Rutland Premier White, not too keen on Union whites though. Have no experience with International Coatings. Anything I have overlooked?
Agreed on Rutland Premier LB. I’ve also heard (And Witnessed) this being a great ink for irons. Whether it be the Roq Iron or M&R Hot Head.