Author Topic: New CCI Dip Tanks  (Read 3983 times)

Offline farmboygraphics

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Re: New CCI Dip Tanks
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2018, 04:48:29 AM »
This is how I use my "dip" tank.
Tees and Coffee

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Re: New CCI Dip Tanks
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2018, 07:06:25 AM »
Ordering 2 new dip tanks for the shop and I asked Dan at CCI if they would consider building us a drain board that attaches to the units.

I wanted a station above the tank to let some chem flow off the screens and back into the tank, reduce drips transferring screens from tank to washout booth and create an additional station for the screens to keep that workflow moving.  Lots of synergistic benefits here for such a simple attachment.

Anyways, ask and you shall receive, here's the prototype!  This will be a ≈$180 option on their tanks.

Will report back after we get 'em in and actually use them.   Thoughts?

Do you have the overall dimensions? We have that dip tank and want to add that add-on. Setting up our new washout booths in the new facility and it would be helpful to have the overall, if you have it, before the plumbing goes in for a sink and washout booth.

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Re: New CCI Dip Tanks
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2018, 06:25:11 PM »
From our man at CCI:

Overall depth is 34 inches tray+tank.

The tray slots are 3 inches each. 

Other dims would be specific to the dip tank size you got I suppose.   Ours is the DST-2 which should be at 45 3/4” x 34”x 30” with the drip tray installed.

Offline Atownsend

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Re: New CCI Dip Tanks
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2018, 11:14:52 PM »
Lots of great stuff in this thread. Thank you all for the inspiration! Our screen guy has been out so I have been stepping up to man reclaim last week, and I realized how broken the processes were. I didn't want to wait for CCI to finish prototyping so I went ahead and threw together a "drag out board" for our reclaim tank. I cut down an old shelf that I had taken down and never put back up and added a few 2x4's & furring strips. Every single angle is wrong, And it is a little jerry rigged, but I am more of a build it as you go guy and don't really care as long as it is functional. And functional it is! this thing rules. I did 50 screens with it tonight, which cost me a little more than 3.5hrs with a fresh tank of gemzyme. 

Our reclaim guy would let the screens sit in the tank allowing the emulsion to dissolve to the bottom eventually killing the tank. Now screens will be removed immediately after the dip like what farmboy does. It is definitely an improvement for us as far as reclaim workflow goes. It should most definitely help with the life of the chems.

My screen guy will be back on tuesday and is going to be totally blown away, I should have definitely been paying more attention to what was going on with reclaim, the whole process was seriously broken. Gonna be some retraining next week!

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Re: New CCI Dip Tanks
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2018, 11:32:30 PM »
I made one, as well! Prototype of course, picture is below.

Right now we run a low ratio of Supra in our dip tank so that we have the 2min to soak while washing the next screen without overdoing it and putting emulsion in the tank.

Thinking about raising our concentration so we can do a ‘dip’ instead of a ‘soak’. It’s a dip tank after all.
I think this workflow will shave significant time off of our process.

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