Author Topic: AnaJet DTG - For sale or trade. Worth approx. $1000.00 er more.  (Read 1213 times)

Offline Dottonedan

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I have this Ana-Jet FP85  (2009-2010) is when it was bought new. They used it for a month or two and decided it wasn't for their type of business. So the cleared the ink out, loaded with cleaning solution and packed it away. Eventually, he just wanted to get it out of his shop so I traded seps for it.

Anajet FP-125Direct to Garment printer for sale or trade.
 These were about $17,000 new.
 Prints lights and darks, all accessories included. Hat clamp, Adult and Yth pallet. (extra print head in package). No inks available and they are the cartridges. Not bulk although it can be converted/upgraded.  Runs on Windows PC. That old version before vista so you would need an old PC with at OS.

I got it in trade for seps. I want to sell or trade. Not sure what I want/need out of a trade. I'd consider A digital dye sub printer maybe, I dunno.

The thing is, it's been sitting not actually printing (the whole time I've had it). It's been well kept and does start right up.  I had been flowing the clear cleaning solution through the lines every now and then until I ran out. Really, it was clean as a whistle, when I got it and never put ink into it.

The new problem with it is, I've just drug it around from state to state so, now, I'm told by word of mouth, from another interested party, that it needs a new chip that drives the printer. It loads, goes into ready mode, but does not move the print head back and fourth for the preparation to print. Was told it was going to cost $1000.00 to get the chip/board from Ana-Jet. So that guy wanted me to give it to him and he pay shipping. Not worth the hassle for me.

The heads were pumping clear solution...but don't know how well the head (that is in it) is since I've never printed from it, ...BUT, There is a brand new head in package ready to go if this one that's in it doesn't work.

A new chip, ($1000.00?),  + shipping, + (sale or trade), you can be printing DTG. I'm looking for under $500.00 trade value or cash.
The thing is, I don't guarantee it. So, I realize, (if you want it) you want it for practically nothing so you can consider taking the risk. I understand that.

I hate to see it go, but the reality is, I'm not going to get to it. I've had this thing with the intent of just playing and printing my own art I sell online. Never happened. Too busy with seps and family to mess with it.

Lemme hear your trade.  Maybe an old scooter to get back and fourth to work? :)
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail


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Re: AnaJet DTG - For sale or trade. Worth approx. $1000.00 er more.
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2018, 07:40:14 PM »
D an you know TP is a master anajet tech. ask him tomorrow. He has a ana jet shirt and the whole ball of wax.
Specializing in shop assessment's, flow and efficiency