Author Topic: Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO  (Read 4450 times)

Offline SteveS

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Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« on: May 03, 2018, 05:17:21 PM »
Something tells me that dealing with M&R is going to become a lot less personal. Rich and I have had more than a few conversations about building business and how he tries to help everyone in the business and I am sure many of you have too.

I think I'm bummed out a bit..... :(

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Re: Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2018, 05:55:38 PM »
Time will only tell if they fellow his lead from years pass, rich was a true hands on guy, blew my mine the first time he called me willing to help me with a problem.  How many people that high up or own a company that large will give you his cell number...Class act he is

Life is like Kool-Aid, gotta add sugar/hardwork to make it sweet!!

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Re: Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2018, 06:08:59 PM »
Good luck Rich and thanks for the stellar support you always provided!

It's hard for me to imagine M&R sans Rich Hoffman but I imagine they'll soldier on. 

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Re: Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2018, 06:26:00 PM »
Good luck Rich and thanks for the stellar support you always provided!

It's hard for me to imagine M&R sans Rich Hoffman but I imagine they'll soldier on.

Yeah, but remember the change in Walmart when the kids took over. That's a little cynical, but Rich is one of a kind.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

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Re: Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2018, 06:27:57 PM »
Wow. Had to happen sooner or later and the man deserves a rest! Hopefully he gets to go fishing more often.

Offline Ross_S

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Re: Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2018, 06:34:55 PM »
Crazy to hear but it had to happen sooner or later.  Congrats Rich

Offline californiadreamin

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Re: Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2018, 07:11:59 PM »
Rich has done super well. He has also had the wisdom of putting smart capable people around him
And the company. I agree with his personal touch not being duplicated by anyone.
Mr Danny Sweem is in his own right a smart capable man for the job! He knows how
To make it happen as well as anyone. Best of luck to them both!

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Re: Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2018, 07:16:23 PM »
Danny is a good guy. 

Offline Jepaul

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Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2018, 07:23:08 PM »

Online GraphicDisorder

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Re: Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2018, 07:51:05 AM »
Congrats Rich, very little people have left the type of mark on this industry that you have. I hope retirement is fantastic and you get to relax a little. Seeing you reply to people at 3am on these and other boards will be missed but you've earned it.
Brandt | Graphic Disorder |
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Offline Rob Coleman

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Re: Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2018, 08:13:02 AM »
Congrats to Rich!  You sir are definitely leaving a huge positive mark on our industry.  For those that date back to the 80's and remember when your only real automatic choices were Advance and Precision, you certainly can appreciate the positive and visionary effect Rich had on this business.  Rich - Hope you enjoy your well-earned retirement!!

And a tip of the hat to Danny Sweem!  Danny has industry and market vision that is unparalleled.  He is the man to steer M&R in a positive and successful direction moving forward.  I have worked directly for and with Danny for the last number of years at SourceOne and can attest to his strong leadership and character.  Danny will be missed sorely at Nazdar S1, but I am extremely happy for him in his new endeavor.
Rob Coleman | Vice President
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Re: Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2018, 02:16:10 PM »
Congrats to Rich!  You sir are definitely leaving a huge positive mark on our industry.  For those that date back to the 80's and remember when your only real automatic choices were Advance and Precision, you certainly can appreciate the positive and visionary effect Rich had on this business.  Rich - Hope you enjoy your well-earned retirement!!

And a tip of the hat to Danny Sweem!  Danny has industry and market vision that is unparalleled.  He is the man to steer M&R in a positive and successful direction moving forward.  I have worked directly for and with Danny for the last number of years at SourceOne and can attest to his strong leadership and character.  Danny will be missed sorely at Nazdar S1, but I am extremely happy for him in his new endeavor.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words. I am not going away that quick. Danny and I will be working together for quite a while before I take a step back. The growth we are experiencing could use two more of us right now.
Rich Hoffman

Offline cbjamel

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Re: Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2018, 03:43:12 PM »
Congrats to Rich!  You sir are definitely leaving a huge positive mark on our industry.  For those that date back to the 80's and remember when your only real automatic choices were Advance and Precision, you certainly can appreciate the positive and visionary effect Rich had on this business.  Rich - Hope you enjoy your well-earned retirement!!

And a tip of the hat to Danny Sweem!  Danny has industry and market vision that is unparalleled.  He is the man to steer M&R in a positive and successful direction moving forward.  I have worked directly for and with Danny for the last number of years at SourceOne and can attest to his strong leadership and character.  Danny will be missed sorely at Nazdar S1, but I am extremely happy for him in his new endeavor.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words. I am not going away that quick. Danny and I will be working together for quite a while before I take a step back. The growth we are experiencing could use two more of us right now.
Congrats Rich.
Shane in Colorado

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Offline SteveS

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Re: Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2018, 04:57:59 PM »
Congrats to Rich!  You sir are definitely leaving a huge positive mark on our industry.  For those that date back to the 80's and remember when your only real automatic choices were Advance and Precision, you certainly can appreciate the positive and visionary effect Rich had on this business.  Rich - Hope you enjoy your well-earned retirement!!

And a tip of the hat to Danny Sweem!  Danny has industry and market vision that is unparalleled.  He is the man to steer M&R in a positive and successful direction moving forward.  I have worked directly for and with Danny for the last number of years at SourceOne and can attest to his strong leadership and character.  Danny will be missed sorely at Nazdar S1, but I am extremely happy for him in his new endeavor.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words. I am not going away that quick. Danny and I will be working together for quite a while before I take a step back. The growth we are experiencing could use two more of us right now.

Good to know Rich. The news about the change is all the talk at ISS Houston today. I for one am grateful for all the help over the years. I hope that aspect carries on with the new management.

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Re: Rich Hoffman stepping down as M&R CEO
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2018, 07:14:32 PM »
Congrats to Rich!  You sir are definitely leaving a huge positive mark on our industry.  For those that date back to the 80's and remember when your only real automatic choices were Advance and Precision, you certainly can appreciate the positive and visionary effect Rich had on this business.  Rich - Hope you enjoy your well-earned retirement!!

And a tip of the hat to Danny Sweem!  Danny has industry and market vision that is uniiparalleled.  He is the man to steer M&R in a positive and successful direction moving forward.  I have worked directly for and with Danny for the last number of years at SourceOne and can attest to his strong leadership and character.  Danny will be missed sorely at Nazdar S1, but I am extremely happy for him in his new endeavor.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words. I am not going away that quick. Danny and I will be working together for quite a while before I take a step back. The growth we are experiencing could use two more of us right now.

Good to know Rich. The news about the change is all the talk at ISS Houston today. I for one am grateful for all the help over the years. I hope that aspect carries on with the new management.
The hope is it gets better. That’s the goal anyhow.
Rich Hoffman