Author Topic: PrintHustlers Conf 2018 Speakers Annouced  (Read 881 times)

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PrintHustlers Conf 2018 Speakers Annouced
« on: May 02, 2018, 05:31:57 AM »
This conference will provide a unique opportunity to grow, develop and learn new ways to expand your business and increase profitability! Become exposed to industry leaders, thought-provoking tips and tricks and an abundance of resources to assist shops with running a viable business.

Reserve your spot now!

The official speaker list for this year! We couldn't be more excited to have a great group of intelligent industry leaders to share their wealth of knowledge. 

Ryan Moore: Ryonet, CEO - Leadership
Matt Williams: Former CEO, The Martin Agency - Branding
Kevin Baumgart: Hireology, VP of Business Development - Sales & Training
Divey Gulati: Shipbob, Co-Founder - Fulfillment
Shelby Craig: Rocket Shirts, Owner - Online Advertising
Steve Farag: Campus Ink, Owner - Automation
Jeff Mellander: Redwall Prints, Owner - Growing Your Shop & Lessons Learned
Justin Lawrence: Oklahoma Shirt Company, Owner - Retail
Susan Becker: JerseyInk, Owner - Building Culture
Christina Becker: JerseyInk, Marketing Director - Building Culture
Bruce Ackerman: Printavo, Founder - Online Advertising
Adam Cook: Printavo, Onboarding and Education Lead - New Hire Training
Mathew Marcotte: T&J Printing Supplies, Regional Sales, Consultant at T&J Printing Supply - Cross-training, People Management, Industry Trends

Reserve your spot now: - Printavo, simple shop management software.