Author Topic: Transfer Express Offers Expand Your Embroidery Business Free May Webinar  (Read 830 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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Learn what heat transfers can do for your embroidery business and your bottom line in this free May Transfer Express webinar. The interactive online class will explore how a heat press can expand your opportunities by providing a fast-turn, low-cost alternative for small quantities and limited budgets. You’ll learn how this economical, easy-to-use addition can prevent you from having to turn away orders it doesn’t make sense to embroider, without interfering with your shop’s primary focus.

Topics include how to take advantage of custom transfer sheets for low-cost, easy printing, add heat printed names and numbers and print a multicolor shirt in seconds. Ways to get league orders for heat printed apparel and grow them with embroidered items like cap and jackets as well also are covered.

Join us Thursday, May 10, 2018, from 2 p.m.-3 p.m., EDT, to discover how heat transfers can augment and enhance your embroidery business. Register for “Expand Your Embroidery Business” and find out about other Transfer Express educational webinars at

For more information, contact STAHLS’ Transfer Express at (440) 918-1900; toll-free (800) 622-2280; email: or visit the website at