Author Topic: Blast from the Past *Update*  (Read 3628 times)

Offline PandoraSqueegee

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Blast from the Past *Update*
« on: May 02, 2018, 09:21:47 AM »
After several requests we decided to bring back a long time favorite --- The Hinged Single Sleeve Pallet.
In case you aren't familiar with this popular pallet~

The Hinged Single Sleeve Pallet provides you with the ability to print youth and women's sized shirts without stretching the cuff or sleeve around the pallet bracket. It has a locking mechanism that keeps the arm up at an angle for easy loading and unloading. It is for automatic and manual machines. It even comes with garment hooks that keep the rest of your shirt from dragging across the floor.

Again, we appreciate your continued support and feedback TSB!

P.S. - The discount code for the On Press Pallet Paper Changing System TSBPPCS10 will be ending soon!

Hinged Single Sleeve Pallets:  | 770-717-1000