Computers and Software > Separation Programs

shirt color as design color - UltraSeps question

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Just some further info that might be helpful on removing the data of a given channel from another:

There is a way to remove all of the data of one channel from another in one step.  I don't mention it within my documentation as it's usually NOT the best method when adjusting separations.  So if wanting to just lessen the amount of one channel from another, it could have adverse affects on the separation and usually does.  Although like anything else, it depends, and this absolute method can be useful at times.

With that said, to remove "everything" within a channel from another channel, have the target channel selected in the channels panel.  Then open Apply Image and make the following selections as per the screenshot below.

Choose the channel to be removed from the target channel.
In this example the Blue 2727.

Click Invert

Select Color Dodge as the Blending Mode

Opacity at 100%

Now everything within the Blue 2727 is removed from the White Underbase.

What was once 72% fill is now 0%.


Here's another method to "gradually" remove data from one channel from another can be done without using Apply Image.

First make sure the Background color in Photoshop's Tools Panel is white.

Now Control-Click (Windows) or Command-Click (Macintosh) the channel needed to be removed from another.  For example do this to the Blue 2727 channel.  This loads that channel as a Selection.

Next, select the channel you'd like to remove that data from and hit the Delete Key.  The delete key can be hit multiple times to remove yet more and more from the target channel.


Steve, the only Invert I know of is under Image/Adjustments/Invert and it does not offer a popup with settings as you have shown.  My Photoshop just reverses the image.

Is there another Invert option somewhere?


--- Quote from: screenxpress on April 06, 2018, 06:58:54 PM ---Steve, the only Invert I know of is under Image/Adjustments/Invert and it does not offer a popup with settings as you have shown.  My Photoshop just reverses the image.

Is there another Invert option somewhere?

--- End quote ---

Read my instructions again.  This is done using the APPLY IMAGE function of Photoshop and is accessed through the Image Menu of Photoshop..... Image > Apply Image.

The Invert checkbox of Apply Image has nothing in common whatsoever with the global Invert function of Photoshop.

For those not familiar with the Apply Image function of Photoshop, I highly advise getting to know it well as doing great separations is almost impossible without using it.

I have a rudimentary video on Apply Image here:

The video by no means covers everything.  Not even close and mainly focuses on the white base.  But it at least provides insight on what it is and how its accessed.

Got it.  Thanks.

Jay Kay:
Too truly 100% remove all the data from one channel from another, you would want highlight target channel that is going to have data removed, image>apply image>select removal channel (inverted)>blending: Linear Dodge:Add. This will remove 100% of one channels data from the other.


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