Computers and Software > Separation Programs

shirt color as design color - UltraSeps question

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--- Quote from: Frog on March 30, 2018, 06:11:05 PM ---
--- Quote from: screenxpress on March 30, 2018, 05:58:08 PM ---I'm getting that error now.

I think your hosting site is having some problems.

And it's happening even posting just a reply...with no attachment.

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Thanks guys, I'm passing this along to our hosting techs (or techie hosts)

--- End quote ---

The word back is that it's a "modsecure" problem and will be fixed with a slight tweak.


--- Quote from: Frog on March 30, 2018, 07:19:38 PM ---
--- Quote from: Frog on March 30, 2018, 06:11:05 PM ---
--- Quote from: screenxpress on March 30, 2018, 05:58:08 PM ---I'm getting that error now.

I think your hosting site is having some problems.

And it's happening even posting just a reply...with no attachment.

--- End quote ---
Thanks guys, I'm passing this along to our hosting techs (or techie hosts)

--- End quote ---

The word back is that it's a "modsecure" problem and will be fixed with a slight tweak.

--- End quote ---

It's supposed to be fixed now. They asked if I could see if it was working now, but of course, I have no way of knowing since other posts by you guys since the error message have made it through.
Is it possible for any of you to try to post the same thing that got kicked back?

The problem was it was not occurring all the time. 

For me, it would go away after trying a number of times and then come back again, so it's going to be hard to recreate to know it's fixed or not.


--- Quote from: screenxpress on March 30, 2018, 10:42:38 PM ---The problem was it was not occurring all the time. 

For me, it would go away after trying a number of times and then come back again, so it's going to be hard to recreate to know it's fixed or not.

--- End quote ---

Well, now, apparently all we can do is make a note if it happens again, or hope that it is indeed fixed.

Prince Art:
Tried to post this earlier, got the error message then, so here it is today:

Many thanks to Doug & Screenxpress for the insights! I wouldn't have been able to figure it out without your help. Seps worked out great, shirts have been printed, and look great, too. I believe UltraSeps has probably just gained a new customer.

In case anyone happens across this thread in the future, here's the key bit of info from Doug that got me going in the right direction. (Which he couldn't post earlier, due to the technical difficulties): I wanted to take an ink color out of the underbase, to allow shirt color to be used instead of ink. Doug pointed me to the "Subtract Colors from Channels" action button. The related "Info" button describes how to select the base, and then knockout another channel's info from it. Doug added that it can take quite a few applications of this to remove essentially all color channel data from the base (like 10 or so), before only 1-2% dots remain. It was good to know this up front, because it did indeed take about that many to get the knockout I wanted.

Doug's other helpful tip for a novice like myself is that this can be done not only to let the shirt color show through in place of an ink color, but also to allow an ink (like black) to print directly to the shirt rather than being underbased. (However, in my case, UltraSeps also generated an acceptable UB with the black already knocked out, which is what I used.)

Further info: Despite Doug's advice, I wasn't happy with the results I was getting. But I had been working in the "Basic 5 Color" sep option. After Screenxpress posted, I saw he'd used the Index #1 option, and then merged channels. So I tried again, using the same steps he described & showed in screen shots, and it worked great.

Along the way, I made a few manual adjustments, applying Levels or Curves as needed. But for both what was automated & what I tweaked, what I saw on screen translated well to films, screens, and finally to shirts. Again, many thanks to the guys who took the time to help me figure out how to do what I needed to!


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