screen printing > 4 Color and Simulated Process Printing
I need to print this painting on ice blue CC shirt with text at bottom. I only have 6 heads and have accomplished some good process prints but none with this heavy of base. Any thoughts or advice please. Thanks
looks doable, I'm in the same boat so what I usually do is send off to Scott at MYSSEPS he is good at letting me know if I can do it or not.
blue moon:
ubase, white, red, yellow, blue (cyan?) and black. So it's doable with six colors. I would go with discharge underbase here. There is just too much of it to come out cleanly with plastisol.
You'll have to hold some fine dots, might have to go to 45lpi to keep it clean.
Make sure it goes to somebody who knows what they are doing, so Dan or Scott or some other member here that has plenty of experience.
I agree with P on this the thinner you can get the ink and still have full cover is the way to go, this to me looks more like a job for sim. I did something like this many years ago came out really well, well at least to me LOL and my custy was happy! Go on and knock it out Coop.
Doable in 6, but youre going to have a tough time matching the pinks and grays well I think...
ubase, white, the orangey-red on the roof, the gold yellow at the top, the teal/seafoam, and black would be my suggestion. Use black over the shirt color for the duller blue areas like the top left corner and youll have to use a lot of blending with your white to get your pinks and grays.
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