Computers and Software > RIPs

Film Maker Version 5 suggestions needed


blue moon:
Just heard from Cadlink and they are asking for suggestions on what to incorporate into the next revision of the Film Maker.

can we get some suggestions going here? It's the best bang for the buck RIP as far as I am concerned, but it could be a little more user friendly.

what would you like to see in it?


what would you like to see changed?



I would like better documentation and detailed explanations of what certain features do.

The ability to save a certain output/job to disk.

We typically print all films in a job at once, and on reorders being able to just open the file
in Film Maker would save us going in to Illy to open the output file.

Also, not sure if anyone else has this, but the first job you send after having re/started FM typically
has to be re-ripped or deleted and sent again.

My art dude is out for a couple weeks. I'm realizing how good that can be in terms of seeing parts
of the business you don't normally deal with.


--- Quote from: ebscreen on February 22, 2018, 03:59:28 PM ---The ability to save a certain output/job to disk.

We typically print all films in a job at once, and on reorders being able to just open the file
in Film Maker would save us going in to Illy to open the output file.

--- End quote ---

I believe it's once you rip a job you can right click and 'archive to disk'.

Pain in the butt, and the dialog to open stuff is hell, and they could certainly throw the standard windows dialog in there so you can actually make subdirectories and such, but it is technically there.

Personally, the only improvement I'd like to see is better reliability, speed, and stability.
New features are useless without reliable core functionality.

A huge number of software companies could use that advice though...

Unlikely to happen, but I want filmmaker for OSX.


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