screen printing > Newbie
Printing on fleece?
Denis Kolar:
I'm getting ready to print the fleece hoodies for the fist time.
They are Dark Navy Hanes Ultimate Cotton 90/10 Blend, printing white ink only.
Could you share some tips and tricks for printing on fleece. I know that the offcontact should be higher, a bit more tack spray (no waterbase pallet adhesive) and tight screens.
Anything else?
I go a little coarser (lower) in my mesh count than with less cushy and smoother T's.
I don't know what type press or flash you have , but on my Javelin auto which has the flashback you got to make sure the draw strings are low, as it will burn them if it is too close. to the elements.
Denis Kolar:
Manual Antec legend press and Antec Auto flash (16x16)
It takes more effort to clear the ink from the screen. That doesn't necessarily mean more squeegee pressure but that's what most of us do because we aren't going to change all the other variables we need to to print effortlessly on fleece. High tension screens, lower/right mesh count, sufficient stencil thickness and the right ink can make all the difference, but if all else fails or you don't have the other variables nailed down, you'll have to print with more pressure and more off contact.
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