Author Topic: The Bidding War - Why Losing Might Help Your Print Shop  (Read 818 times)

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The Bidding War - Why Losing Might Help Your Print Shop
« on: January 25, 2018, 09:25:18 AM »
How often are we up against a competitor? It is easily a shop owner’s biggest headache.

“They’re printing for $4.25, can you beat that?”

“The printer down the street said they’d do an extra color for free.”

“I need these shirts as cheap as possible, I can get them online for $3.00,”

“The other embroiderer said they wouldn’t charge me a tape fee, can you do the same?”

When you get this kind of customer coming into your shop, who is in control of the situation? Knowing very well that printed goods are often not paid for the entirely by the group organizer, why should you play into the bidding war game?

Here is the truth. It is okay to lose a bid. It is okay to tell a customer "no". If they don’t choose to work with your business over a few dollars and cents, then they are not the customer that will help lead you to success.

If it comes to this, have you ever thought to explain to your customers that you are a for-profit business? That you are a business that calculates the cost of every shirt in order to stay open for business so you can continue serving the community? Or better yet, does your customer respect the business you’re in and not over-challenge the price?

That is the customer you want to retain, and those are the types of customers you want to foster a relationship with. 

Read full article and learn how to build a winning customer base. - Printavo, simple shop management software.