Author Topic: It's Time For The 1-Year Review: M&R Gauntlet 3  (Read 3359 times)

Offline DannyGruninger

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Re: It's Time For The 1-Year Review: M&R Gauntlet 3
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2018, 01:47:22 PM »
How do you think they handle a conversion like that? Do they shut down totally and then "quickly convert" or do they do half while the other half is still producing. That sounds like a major feat!!

It would be cool to see a time lapse of the whole conversion.

To be 100% honest I'm not positive how they are handling it but once I get more details I'll be happy to share. I believe they are opening a new facility that will run in parallel with their current facilities then eventually combine it all. The shop is massive and has a reputation to put out some really amazing retail ready stuff for major brands. It's really nice seeing some big domestic expansion again in our industry compared to everything going offshore like its done the last several years, thats for sure. All top of the line equipment though as I heard they bought close to 20 new roq ecos, 3 new direct to screens, among a ton of other stuff. Pretty nuts for sure

Edit - not wanting to derail this thread as its a really good post from Alan on the GT3.... My reason to post was to let everyone know that if your looking for one of those machines you can probably find it at this auction

Danny Gruninger
Denver Print House / Lakewood Colorado