screen printing > Tips and Tricks to Share (Please don't ask questions here)
Lost cost separation software and RIP.... suggestion
Thanks for the link to Hi-Fi the PS actions...but the original poster said "Being a Coreldraw user (with minimal photoshop skills)".
I believe that is the attraction to the Simpleseps add on for Draw.
--- Quote from: Squeegie on December 06, 2017, 11:17:11 AM ---Thanks for the link to Hi-Fi the PS actions...but the original poster said "Being a Coreldraw user (with minimal photoshop skills)".
I believe that is the attraction to the Simpleseps add on for Draw.
--- End quote ---
It's the minimal Photoshop skills I was addressing, all options are good when you're trying to learn higher end separations, you can learn something from them all.
The other option is the online version:
It does a good job. I did a couple jobs with it a couple months back and was pretty impressed. I didn't order the inks, but I may one day. I just pulled close stock colors.
--- Quote ---It's the minimal Photoshop skills I was addressing,
--- End quote ---
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