screen printing > Non Textile

bagging and applying labels to the bags,

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Hey guys,

one of our clients prints around 125K tees a year, we bag them all.

We apply barcode labels they provide to the bags.

Looking for info on how you guys apply that many labels.

Im currently looking at label application guns, but wondering if there is a specific label + Gun combo that you guys use, that I could prove to the client and switch their labels to...

Inline label application is nt an option as we have an easy-fold 2000 not sure how that works with that older folder...

Anyways thanks in advance.

i have nothing to add, but am interested in this as well, as we are printing around 15-20k a year for a client, and apply by hand.

At what point is it practical to order bags with the barcodes printed?

i have some info on this, but have to check something first.  Had to source the labels and guns for a client who is doing in the millions of applications and got like 40 of the guns.  I'll try to chime in again by tomorrow...

Each style would need a barcode thats different, for size, colour etc so pre printing bags Is out of the question.  Way too much headaches.

Ideally I load in a 15K roll and just have the guys fold and bag in order.

That seems like a fairy tale... however,

Ideally we can load in strips of about 300-500 and bang them out.

As it is now I have a employee who only stickers and that is killing me... Should be a one person job to sticker and bag...


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