General > General Discussion and ???

What the heck are they putting in the water nowdays?

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I have a fairly large 3 level house that sits 1000' off the main road.

Gravel driveway with grass growing in the middle of it.

My back yard is fenced in for my dogs to run in and yesterday, nice weather with the basement (print shop) door open, the dogs went nuts. When I looked out to see what was the matter.
There was a late teen or 20 something guy walking down my drive right next to my parked t-shirt mobile and headed down the hill. Right beside my friggin house.

Took 3 times for him to acknowledge me yelling at him.

As with the others we catch trespassing, I asked, what are you doing and do you know whose place you are on.

He said walking? I'm just walking?WFT!

Then I asked if he had permission to be on my place or if he even knew he was trespassing and why he was walking down my driveway.

Keep in mind I have the hillbilly front yard with a couple cars and such in it.

He said he thought it was a road and did not know it was a private driveway?because it went all the way to the road?...WWWWTTTTFFFF?

2 years ago we had a guy "cut" our fence so his boys could ride their new 4 wheelers on us and not mess up his yard.WTF?

I started to kick his a$$ when he said he did not think it would hurt anything.

But with the way things are I just had my friend the Sheriff explain it to him.

I laughed when the Sheriff told me...that guy is as dumb as a bag of rocks.

How can these new age idiots make it? They do not care about anything but themselves and really do not know any better.

They have no clue of right and wrong and could care less about your stuff as long as it does not affect their life.

I thought the last generation was bad, but this one is much worst.

Denis Kolar:
Wait for the kids that are 6-7 now.
You will see then that the generation you are talking about is not that bad :)

I look at the friend's kid when he raises his voice at his parents (8 years), I just can not wait for mine 4 year-old to do that. He will learn what the spanking means first time he does that.

I get what you mean.

I don't have kids...but if I did and the way the law can arrest you for spanking your kids now...I think I would have to spank the cop too.

Just to make it worth while. ;D

Fresh Baked Printing:
As long as socialist run government, what's yours is now theirs too.


--- Quote from: Fresh Baked Printing (bkd001) on April 29, 2011, 10:35:32 AM ---As long as socialist run government, what's yours is now theirs too.

--- End quote ---

I guess so.

But the saying that they will have to pry my gun from my cold dead hand will be in effect. ;D


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