Author Topic: Improved Pallet Paper Changing System for Off Press [+Bonus for TSB Members]  (Read 3192 times)

Offline PandoraSqueegee

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Hey TSB,
I wanted to introduce our improved Off Press Pallet Paper Changing System and offer an
exclusive deal just for you guys!  ;) 10% off by using code TSBPPCS10 on our website.

The normal way of applying pallet paper is awkward and cumbersome.
Sometimes it even takes two people to change out and re-apply pallet paper.
With this new system, you can quickly apply pallet paper all by yourself. If you have
a company that does many changeovers, you will see an immediate production increase.
The system mounts onto the arm of your machine, and locks in right behind the pallet.
Pull the paper forward using both hands and cut.