Author Topic: LED step  (Read 1841 times)

Offline trebor

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LED step
« on: August 26, 2017, 06:42:13 AM »
Back in March I installed a Lawson LED 5000 exposure unit. The results have been quite eye opening. Exposure times have decreased dramatically over my old unit. While my Lawson 5000 LED has glass and I am still using films. My understanding is that my unit can easily be retro fitted to not using glass and film but instead use computer to screen or CTS.
I am trying to decide if I should use the entry level Lawson Focus producing up to 70 screens per day or bite the bullet and go with Lawson Express Jet that can produce up to 500 screens per day. It looks like ink cost would be considerably less on the more expensive unit.

Lawson Focus - $15,000.00 - for printing up to 50 - 70 screens per day (the HP Ink Cartridges cost $75.00 each, and will produce between 250 - 300 or so screens, depending on size, etc.

Lawson Express-Jet/CTS - $50,000.00+ for production shops producing 75 - 500 screens per day. Cheap Bulk Ink.


Offline Doug S

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Re: LED step
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2017, 07:36:34 AM »
I have the same exposure unit.  When I went DTS, I just removed the glass and plugged the vacuum hole on the back of the unit to trick it.  Also, you will need to remove the magnet from the lid and connect it to the magnet on the lower frame to emulate the lid being shut or just shut the lid each time which is probably a better idea "those leds are bright". 

Side note, be extra careful to not touch the panel below to keep from damaging the led strips.
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Offline zanegun08

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Re: LED step
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2017, 06:13:37 PM »
Keep the Lawson LED and get an M&R I-Image S

I think the price between the I-Image S and Lawson Express-Jet is comparable although Lawson says that the Express Jet is basically the same as the I-Image ST which is faster than the S.

Whatever you do, it is a good decision because films suck, digital is the way to go, there are more benefits of better registration on press, not having the catalog films or deal with shrinkage but the digital recall is the best in my opinion.

Having the exposure unit separate from the unit is beneficial as you can be imaging while the CTS in printing so you can keep a more constant flow.

We have a Wax Spyder II which I believe is around 50k as well.  I personally would try to get the right unit the first time rather than buying a toy to upgrade later if you are serious about business, will cost less in the long run.

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Re: LED step
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2017, 02:47:44 PM »
Were you guys ever using the Lawson without DTS?

Just wondering what you thought of the quality of the output.

There are so so so few reviews of these things out there.
