screen printing > 4 Color and Simulated Process Printing

New Army T

(1/3) > >>

This is the one I showed the art pict of the other day.

It was a little hard to keep the face the way I wanted it in the middle...Dumb Ole me put the black in a 230, I wanted to do it in a 305.
But I'm lazy. :D

For the newer guys.

I did it semi instead of cmyk because of different color shirts.

55lpi...22.5 angle...ellipse dot.

The weather today is nice and good tunes on the radio. :-*

I don't think we saw the art pic...or I didn't.  Where at?

I like the blends in the type. Good job.  I also like the fact that the whole print looks consistent between garment colors.
Again, good job. ;)

Fresh Baked Printing:
Do you ever print just plain 'ole spot colors?

Not very often.

I did had a couple 1 colors last I miss those drinking jobs. :o

I really like this. One comment: It seems like the halftones on the darker shirt came out a little muddy. Is this because of the white underneath? Does anyone know how to help with this issue? Seems like the more colors that go over white, the more it acts like a skating rink.


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