Author Topic: How many screens do you get out of a gallon of 701?  (Read 4956 times)


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Re: How many screens do you get out of a gallon of 701?
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2017, 11:19:00 AM »
701 also works really good cleaning sq/floods same as a screen. spreay it on , scrub and blow with the pressure washer. Its a good alternative for saving the expense of safety clean and may work better depending on your flow, structure and budget.
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Offline Northland

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Re: How many screens do you get out of a gallon of 701?
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2017, 11:22:33 AM »
Also, because they are located in my home state (Minnesota). They have a modest size operation located in the handsome small town of Delano,MN.
How does their reclaimer compare to Kiwo concentrate (if anyone's ever used it)? I used to use Franmar but since trying a Kiwo sample reclaiming is night and day.
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... sorry, I can't offer a comparision to Franmar or Kiwo. I use their Easisolv 500, mixed 15:1 in a dip tank and I thinks it works great. When using a spray bottle, I mix it 10:1.

They state on their product cut sheet that it's the "lowest cost emulsion remover on the market" ( but, I wouldn't bet the farm on that).

Offline Gilligan

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Re: How many screens do you get out of a gallon of 701?
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2017, 11:42:09 AM »
701 also works really good cleaning sq/floods same as a screen. spreay it on , scrub and blow with the pressure washer. Its a good alternative for saving the expense of safety clean and may work better depending on your flow, structure and budget.

Yep, we run it in our shurlock squeegee cleaner.


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Re: How many screens do you get out of a gallon of 701?
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2017, 01:35:27 PM »
We have a Shurlock squeegee washer upstairs TP had bought but the have never used it since my tenure here in fact its dirty and used. If you want it cheap shoot me a offer. This a opportunity for you to  have dueling Shurlock washers side by side. Imagine the youtube possibilities lol
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Offline tonypep

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Re: How many screens do you get out of a gallon of 701?
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2017, 01:42:13 PM »
Aaaaahhhhhh...........The Brade Runna!!!!

Offline Gilligan

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Re: How many screens do you get out of a gallon of 701?
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2017, 01:44:51 PM »
We have a Shurlock squeegee washer upstairs TP had bought but the have never used it since my tenure here in fact its dirty and used. If you want it cheap shoot me a offer. This a opportunity for you to  have dueling Shurlock washers side by side. Imagine the youtube possibilities lol

What's your process for them... Wait you guys are just about all water base... Probably not the same problems.

Offline Prince Art

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Re: How many screens do you get out of a gallon of 701?
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2017, 04:29:26 PM »
I use supra in my tank and 701 basically as a dehaze. Couple of sprays per side. Can do a lot of screens per gallon, but no clue how many. Definitely more than

You doing a one step dip tank?  Ink and emulsion?  Just carding off ink or wiping it out with a rag or something?

Yes. Card off ink (and make sure the last print stroke on press clears the image area). Drop in the supra. Pressure wash off. Spray 701. Scrub. Rinse. Rack.

I pretty much copied what Evo suggested on the forums and while back and it works great. My supra tank lasts a long time, but I'm still at like 50 screens a week typically (lots of 1 to 3 color jobs).

Thanks to mimosa's past posts on this, I finally started the same method this summer. Thus far, it's working well. Definitely speeds up my reclaim. (The one thing I've noticed is that you definitely want to make sure all globs of ink are gone before you hit the tank. They won't magically go away, and you'll end up spraying them around the washout booth with the pressure sprayer.)
Nice guys laugh last.


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Re: How many screens do you get out of a gallon of 701?
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2017, 01:32:55 PM »
Aaaaahhhhhh...........The Brade Runna!!!!

TP- Does it work? It's dirty but everyone says they never used it.. OH, it has been used? Sounds like a good addition to your J&J  list of state of the atr equipment.
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Offline mimosatexas

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Re: How many screens do you get out of a gallon of 701?
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2017, 01:37:30 PM »
definitely want to get the ink off as much as possible as mentioned.  If you run a clearing print stroke as the last stroke on your screen, carding the ink should be quick and easy as it should just be around the edges of the screen.  I can usually have all the ink off in a matter or seconds be doing a sort of "L" along the top and one side, then the other side so all the ink is at the bottom, then just card, card, card, and all the ink is scooped off.  maybe a quick once over around where the ink meets the edge of your tape, then de-tape and it's ready to go.

Offline tonypep

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Re: How many screens do you get out of a gallon of 701?
« Reply #24 on: August 08, 2017, 02:13:12 PM »
Aaaaahhhhhh...........The Brade Runna!!!!

TP- Does it work? It's dirty but everyone says they never used it.. OH, it has been used? Sounds like a good addition to your J&J  list of state of the atr equipment.
It works/worked. Air only no electric. You can tell that its messy. Slings ink everywhere. We have a self contained one here. Hand crank. Better but not awesome. Since our squeegees have no bolts etc. they actually clean quicker by hand