screen printing > 4 Color and Simulated Process Printing

How would you print this

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This fine art goes onto several different garment colors. Black ,natural, heather sapphire, navy , purple, azalea. You couldn`t make this up.
Anyway, what`s the best case scenario and the worst? Are two different underbases required, one for  black and navy and then one for the other colors?

Honestly if it were me I'd send that over to Joe Doria for his opinion. If you're interested in that option I'll hook you up

I assume that the green in the picture is meant to be the shirt color?  If so - I would want the original photoshop file - and tell them to keep alllllllllll the working layers so you have control.

Sep it like there is no green in it and send jpegs of how terrible it will look on darker colored garments.

If not, then sep it for the darkest garment you have.  Imo, its better to have the print look and feel the same across all garments instead of trying to make it softer or thinner on lighter garment colors.

I have requests like that here.  We will run midtone through black garments on some designs...... I just separate it like it was meant for darker shirts and make a killer looking print....

Assuming the green tint is intentional, and the garments would discharge (purple=ouch!), and the tint could be removed and printed as a solid clear overlay, I could theoretically print the full color image DC and then over print the clear green tint. Unconventional perhaps, but I posted something similar to this when I was at IBG. Something like five different photos arranged in a hex with five different over tints. Lot of subtle stuff going on there!

I would mockup just their vector logo on the tee, price out the two different options, and lead them towards printing just the logo as it would make a better shirt than a weird green hue box on it.

We'd charge $200 to sep this, $300 in screen setups, so $500 before even printing a shirt, vs $30 and making a good shirt.

Customer is not always right.


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