Author Topic: Amergraph Photocell Replacement  (Read 1166 times)

Offline Atownsend

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Amergraph Photocell Replacement
« on: August 14, 2017, 11:09:24 PM »
Anyone ever have to replace a photocell in one of these things? I was moving my Amergraph 335 earlier and I managed to pull the wires off of the photocell. I had the panel off but stupidly forgot to disconnect the photocell before moving it... anywhoo I have been unable to resolder the wires. Has anyone had to replace a photocell before? Looking online I haven't found anything that looks like the black one in my unit. I have an email out to amergraph, but I'm sure its going to be an arm and a leg to replace given the way they price their lamps. Anyone have a good source for these of am I SOL? Cant seem find a part number on the photocell or in the wiring diagram that I have. Thanks in advance.