Author Topic: Ryonet Offers Video On ROQ ECO Control Panel Highlights  (Read 684 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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Ryonet Offers Video On ROQ ECO Control Panel Highlights
« on: July 26, 2017, 08:51:58 AM »
A new video from Ryonet highlights the recently updated control panel on the ROQ ECO automatic screen printing press. Jeremy Jones, Single Ink, Terre Haute Ind., gives a printer’s take on the features of the redesigned panel and enhanced control capabilities that cinched his upgrade to the ECO.

Join the Indiana decorator as he demonstrates his favorite panel features, including the recycle button for printing a specified head and the easily accessible cancel platens button. You’ll also see the “go-to” button that sealed the deal for Jones. He increased his capacity by 300 to 500 shirts a day.

Plus, you’ll learn about the handy reset mode for setting up a new multicolor print or turning it off with the press of a button. Discover how the ECO’s next-generation panel gives you complete control the press without ever leaving the load/unload station, streamlining production and allowing increased throughput.

Check out the video at

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