We have 8 manuals, 2 number presses and 7 autos, a flatbed printer and room for random flat printing with a table top hinge press.
We have staffed and scheduled daily 7 manuals, with some flex people who print transfers (truckers, interior branding, difficult placement garments) and can hop around to the number presses because we don't do a ton of numbers, but when we do they are typically for large programs.
I don't understand how you could not have a manual press in daily operation, either you are turning down business, or we say yes to way to much.
Our magical number is at around 100 pieces a job goes to autos, which I disagree with because we print a lot of things that I think would get better results on manuals, and a lot of jobs that could get knocked out much more quickly than on an auto, but it is how it is.