Author Topic: Help - Team Name Stack Troubles  (Read 1410 times)

Offline NTZ-Deanna

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Help - Team Name Stack Troubles
« on: June 21, 2017, 03:57:28 PM »
HI there,

So I've recently starting having issues with my Team Name Stacks acting very odd on my Tajima Machines.  I use Wilcom Software.

The first name it completes the needle then jumps back to the middle of the name and does 3 stitches, then stops...

(no trimming at all)

When you press Start, it starts on the next name.  But this whole jump stitch to the middle with 3 single stitches and no trims is just bizarre.  And without any trims you can't switch out the garments.

We've recently adjusted some settings in the machines when we did our annual maintenance.  Changes involved Inching, RPM Speed...basic things in the F1-F3 Keys.

I've gone back through these settings and  I can't figure it out.  Hirsch is now wondering if it can be a Software issue because when you open the file in the software it doesn't show these mystery 3 stitches or jump stitch.  Maybe something is happening when saving down to a DST?

Any thoughts or recommendations to check on??
Deanna Smith
N the Zone Ink
(541) 728-9663

Differentiate Yourself With Your Quality

Offline NTZ-Deanna

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Re: Help - Team Name Stack Troubles
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2017, 04:58:40 PM »
ok after more testing - I found an old file of a name stack and it worked perfectly.  So something has changed in my software settings when I create new name stacks. 
Deanna Smith
N the Zone Ink
(541) 728-9663

Differentiate Yourself With Your Quality