Author Topic: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)  (Read 5219 times)

Offline nvenda

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ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« on: June 21, 2017, 05:34:54 AM »
Hello to all,

It's been too long since we wrote here to show you something new.
So let us share with you something that can help your business being more versatile.

Feel free to shoot any questions. I will answer as much as I can.
In the link you will find the new pallet and a video on how it works and how it makes All Over Printing (AOP) so much easier.

Kind regards,

Nuno Venda
Marketing Manager at ROQ

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Re: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2017, 09:03:43 AM »
Hello again,

We had a small problem with our video.

All fixed now.

You can see the wing pallet, the elevation column and of course the ROQ Oval Evolution P24 4XL

Kind regards,
Marketing Manager at ROQ

Offline zanegun08

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Re: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2017, 12:49:14 PM »
Pretty cool. 

If I was a designer of products I would've made the pallet square, with the t-shirt shape detachable as it is just a hinge.  That way you could have a nice large square pallet for posters or other mediums.  Also move the wheels so they hit the top of the neck to lift up the shape so that you don't have holes in the square pallet.  I'm sure these pallets aren't cheap, so making them more multi use would make them more useful as I'm sure they cost a pretty penny.

Overall, good innovation, although I dread the day all over prints come back into fashion as they can be a nightmare to print!  Gotta just set customer expectations and sell the errors as uniqueness.

Also good work on the video quality, presses look super nice.

Offline 1964GN

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Re: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2017, 02:20:48 PM »
Please work on a pallet solution for long sleeves that actually works

Offline ZooCity

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Re: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2017, 04:29:58 PM »
Please work on a pallet solution for long sleeves that actually works

Here here.

Offline ryanmoor

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Re: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2017, 04:42:28 PM »
Mike, have you seen the Action solution, it seems to work pretty well for those who have it. There are also a few other solutions now that were not available before we are going to get with you on.

Offline Orion

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Re: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2017, 07:42:26 PM »
The spray tack made me cringe. Way too messy. A quick flash before removing the garment from the shirt board eliminates the ooops moment when the shirt folds over on itself from pulling it off. What is the price point, $800-900 per board?
Dale Hoyal

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Re: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2017, 04:29:11 AM »
Pretty cool. 

If I was a designer of products I would've made the pallet square, with the t-shirt shape detachable as it is just a hinge.  That way you could have a nice large square pallet for posters or other mediums.  Also move the wheels so they hit the top of the neck to lift up the shape so that you don't have holes in the square pallet.  I'm sure these pallets aren't cheap, so making them more multi use would make them more useful as I'm sure they cost a pretty penny.

Overall, good innovation, although I dread the day all over prints come back into fashion as they can be a nightmare to print!  Gotta just set customer expectations and sell the errors as uniqueness.

Also good work on the video quality, presses look super nice.

Super interesting questions! You made me run down to engineering and learn a bit more on this product. So the way you are thinking about it wouldn’t work out per se. The reason is simple but hard to see without it in front of you. This product was designed to print with the mask on. If you remove the mask you will be missing 5, or 6 mm of height. That difference alone would prevent you to print properly.
The second point you make is the wheels. If the lift up of the mask was made at the top of the neck the mask would bend and break in no time. The wheels need to be in a place where the structure will never be compromised. We want you to print with these for years!
Finally the V shape of the pallet is not mandatory :). It will help in circular machines for example, or smaller ovals. But these ones where specifically thought just to do AOP so they were made in the most efficient way possible.
Have in mind that at ROQ we create solutions. We know how to make these pallets the way you are thinking with the wheels in the same spot but this forum is to present new products and not to discuss engineering solutions ;)
If you are intrested contact Ryonet or João or me!
Ho! And one last thing; we do believe today that is not valid any more to think:“all over prints (…)can be a nightmare to print”, with this system, not anymore :D

Thank you for your feedback!

Marketing Manager at ROQ

Offline 1964GN

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Re: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2017, 07:39:47 AM »
Mike, have you seen the Action solution, it seems to work pretty well for those who have it. There are also a few other solutions now that were not available before we are going to get with you on.

We have looked at all of the available solutions for long sleeve prints and none of them seem to be very well received by those that have tried them. With our DB being replaced by a second ROQ, we fear that we may need to go backwards in time and get a manual in order to print long sleeves. Would love to see if there is something else we are not aware of that actually works.

We have an idea to create a threadable LS pallet but haven't been able to cobble it together for testing yet.

Offline tonypep

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Re: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2017, 08:15:23 AM »
No matter how you build/slice it all-over printing is slow and expensive. That is primarily why it dried up. Retail/customers weren't going to pay what you needed to charge for the ROI, labor, etc. The original M&R vs (early 90s worm drive) worked fine but we maxed out at 1200 pcs per shift with a 4 person crew. Plus don't forget the pre-press equip for those huge screes.......sinks/exposure/coater. I used to demo these for Rich at trade shows. That was a hoot!


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Re: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2017, 08:35:18 AM »
Tony, remember the allover flip pallet ultimate's where you would flash and flip printing both sides in one round and the dryers with the IR panels on the bottom and top to cure both sides. Cutting edge at the time.
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Offline tonypep

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Re: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2017, 08:54:51 AM »
Yes and when I worked at Precision we had the predecessor......full body/no slv though.

Offline nvenda

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Re: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2017, 10:23:28 AM »
Tony, remember the allover flip pallet ultimate's where you would flash and flip printing both sides in one round and the dryers with the IR panels on the bottom and top to cure both sides. Cutting edge at the time.

That I did not know! Did it work consistently?

Ho and let me take this oportunity to add that this ROQ Oval Evolution has a 40x58 inches print stroke.
The ROQ Oval Evolution 4XL accepts all forms of pallets for flat stock, tshirt, aop, and others. 
Designed to print aop and flat stock with perfect registration down to .001" across all colors with zero pallet deflection.
Inline flock and foil capable.
Already units in the states. ;)
Roq with Ryonet will be bringing a unit with this system to SGIA. But let me reinforce, this system is already operational today in the US ;)

I hope to see you all at SGIA! Bring all your questions, we will find you your solutions.

Marketing Manager at ROQ

Offline tonypep

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Re: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2017, 10:37:04 AM »
Yes they all worked consistently. The Precision vs (Circa 1985/87ish) was first; used magnets to keep the thin board and support base firmly together while printing. M&R used scizzor pallets single system where the sleeves swiveled in and out for load/unloading.Need support stantions to battle platen deflection The MHM was similar however the sleeve sections traveled in and out right to left.

Offline nvenda

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Re: ROQ - Wing Pallet (AOP)
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2017, 11:36:56 AM »
Yes they all worked consistently. The Precision vs (Circa 1985/87ish) was first; used magnets to keep the thin board and support base firmly together while printing. M&R used scizzor pallets single system where the sleeves swiveled in and out for load/unloading.Need support stantions to battle platen deflection The MHM was similar however the sleeve sections traveled in and out right to left.

Do people still use it in the US?
Marketing Manager at ROQ