Author Topic: Students Learn TheEZGRip Method  (Read 1006 times)

Students Learn TheEZGRip Method
« on: June 16, 2017, 02:48:55 PM »
Big couple of days for TheEZGrip Squeegee.

Texsource Screen Printing Supply of Kings Mountain, NC is holding a screen printing class today with about 35 students, mostly newbies and TheEZGrip is being featured as Texsource's squeegee of choice.

I was speaking with Ryan Bolin of Texsource this morning, he was telling me he just loves the way TheEZGrip pushes, in fact, he thinks it easier to use than a wood handle by a long shot.

Ryan should know, his dad founded Texsource and Ryan was taught to print at the age of 7, in his words, "I love TheEZGrip".

Tomorrow, a class presented by McBee Supply of Houston, TX will also feature TheEZGrip. Eddie, one of the instructors is a strong believer in TheEZGrip and teaches with it in all his classes.
Read great reviews and more info on the EZ Grip here:,18181.180.html