screen printing > Non Textile



Has anyone printed on Fiberglass before? One of our long time bigger clients wants to get some Fiberglass trays screen printed, and we aren't set up to do it.

Anyone on here set up to do it, and want to do it? client needs them by July 11th, 400pcs, and it's a one color print.

Andy, sorry if this is in the wrong section!

Well, since it sounds like the fiberglass cloth has been through the resin process, it certainly no longer qualifies as textile.
I do wonder though if the shape of the trays adds a big challenge to a flat stock prointer.

I think the issue would be if the trays had edges, so the screen could not get down flush.

NAzdar would make a ink for printing im sure.

Assuming they must endure wash/industrial wash a 2-part ink will fill the bill. Expect not so nice odor and catalyst hardening the screen rendering it useless if you're not careful


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