Author Topic: PriceIT Software  (Read 2275 times)

Offline TCT

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PriceIT Software
« on: September 11, 2017, 04:02:27 PM »
Hey everyone, I have been usually quiet, even for myself! Truth is we are busy as ballz and I have not let myself play on the internet! I just had another great interaction with the guys at PriceIt and felt I needed to sing their praises.

We have ran PriceIt for our shop management software for probably 6 to 8 years. I JUST got off the phone with them and they never cease to amaze me. Those guys are down to earth, understanding and a really good bunch of guys. Being a stubborn and short tempered guy myself I don't always do super well with change. They rolled out a new big update and the new layout threw us a few curve balls. 1 email and they addresses EVERY "issue" I brought up within 24 hours. Interactions like this has how they have always been! Great customer service.

They didn't ask me to write this or compensate me in any way, I just friggin' love it when you find a company that makes a product that works as hard as we do. If you are in the market for a shop management product you owe it to yourself and your shop/employees to check them out!

Hopefully I'll never have to grow up and get a real job...