screen printing > Waterbase and Discharge

That elusive Flo Pink

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Just a quickie one color rush today, gildans, small qty order.  Instead of a white base, possibly PFPF, then flo pink plastisol, just a single discharge color, one screen and bam  ;D

One less screen, no flashing and a better print.

who's discharge?

Thats very good. Flos are usually problematic for discharge. The pigments used to be sold as powderes but now as liquids you have to make sure they don't settle.

That is bad ass! This reminds me Tony we have tons of pigment powders from many years ago all manoukian, I wonder if I could still use them?

Would that be from Paul DeWyngart? My guess is yes.....try suspending them in some CCI or whatever.


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