Got this email this morning, any of you get these also, I remove the person's name

To Whom It May Concern;
I am a student at UNC-Chapel Hill and I am writing to see if I could get some advice/feedback from you related to the screen printing (specifically t-shirt) industry. For the past few years I have had a goal to ultimately develop a company with the capabilities to compete with mass market t-shirt companies like Comfort Colors, American Apparel and Next Level (selling blanks to print shops). I have spent the past year working with manufacturers in developing a couple styles of shirts to compete with Comfort Colors and also to compete with the growing Tri-Blend fabric trend (such as companies like Bella + Canvas). While I am looking to keep the same great styles, quality, and fit, my goal is to offer my shirts at what I hope to be a significantly lower price to yourself (the print shop), our goal is between $2.45-2.75 for these style shirts depending on order quantity.
If we did in fact to build a comparable t-shirt to these companies, would this be something you'd be interested in pushing to your clients and do you think they'd be interested in a cheaper fashion t-shirt? Do you have any advice on if you see demand for another company entering the market that is looking to compete with Comfort Colors or Bella + Canvas, if they can offer you better prices?
Thanks for taking the time to read the message. If you have time to respond, any feedback will help greatly!