Author Topic: Indy Promo Agency - Seeking Screenprinters!  (Read 779 times)

Offline KendalSummers

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Indy Promo Agency - Seeking Screenprinters!
« on: March 06, 2017, 12:38:40 PM »
Greetings, all!

We're the largest promotional merchandise agency HQ'd in Indiana, OmniSource Marketing (

Our roots are as a screen printer--although we divested from decoration about 10 years ago.  We've screenprinted about 100 million apparel impressions in our 28 years in business.  We're one of the largest 5 Women-Owned Business Enterprises in promo.  We currently manage prime contracts with several large corporations, including the largest food and beverage company, the largest owner of shopping malls and several large automotive OEMs.  We currently decorate about 1 million garments per year--about 75% of that is screen printing. 

We are currently looking to add duplicate suppliers to our screen printing supply chain.  Capacity is a big issue--we need a shop capable of printing at least 10,000 impressions per day.  Geography is important--we prefer a printer to be located in Central Indiana.  We need someone close enough to collaborate when necessary--and proof in person when required by clients.

All feedback is welcome.


Kendal Summers
Chief Creative Officer
OmniSource Marketing