Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Even though the Imagestar silicone chemistry comes from Dow Corning I don't feel the product is ready for primetime as Colin suggests. Liked the One Stroke products but probably going back to making our own LCA plastisols.
Where are yinz getting the 290˚F @ 30 belt from? Our Sprint HO has a 16' chamber and we run wilflex performance at 290˚ at like 8-10 belt speed which is our regular speed or 320˚ at about 16-18. We based our speeds off donut probe reads on actual garments and they are setup to just kiss the target temp for plastisol and hold it for a few seconds. Are the belt speed readouts maybe different dryer to dryer? For reference, our 8 speed equals about 1min 30s in the chamber.