screen printing > Non Textile
Screen Print on BBQ
Hi guys,
I was wondering if anyone could help me. I am looking to undertake a school project where I screen print on to a bbq. I have done lots of research and have been unable to find any types of Inks that will adhere to steel, and be suitable to resist the high heats a barbecue provides. Does anyone have any experience in a product that would be suitable for use in this application?
Thanks in advance
Your best bet might be high temp BBQ paint from Home Depot. Get a quart of it and go to town.
I am guessing a 2 part epoxy type ink. I would try nazdar.
ADE ink from Nasdar could take the heat.
George, remember also that the ink is probably also not going to be adhering to steel, but rather to fired enamel, or whatever the BBQ is already coated with.
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