Author Topic: Exile Freestyler DTS - System  (Read 1431 times)

Offline kleffe

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Exile Freestyler DTS - System
« on: February 18, 2017, 06:44:15 AM »

is somebody using the Freestyler DTS-System in daily workflow and can share some experiences ?

We are based in germany (=> sorry for language mistakes in advance) and the market is a bit differnt to the us one.
Smaller quantities and big competitors from east europe and asia.
So we are looking for a low budget solution only for difficult halftone jobs, not the daily vector file to film to screen work.
Sample: a M&R image is a very good machine, no doubt, but for our business more than over dimensionized.
We are doing halftone jobs 2-3 a week and the costs of round about 60k€ will not be amortized till end of days.

The price of the freestyler is about +/-15k€ and that would be more economical and expedient.

Many Thanks in advance for your comments and help.

Best Regards,

« Last Edit: February 18, 2017, 06:59:29 AM by kleffe »