screen printing > Separations

Sep examples, 8 color Channel GIF animation and RGB color build.

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This is another 8 color sim process that is a good example of the channels as well as the RGB build.
New customer. The liked the sep work. Very good printers also. They held good detail. The red is a little too orange or It seems to have came out a little lighter than I expected. Had I been on location, we might have changed the color to a richer red. At the same time, it was sampled up this way and approved so don't mess with approvals. ;)

Nice one Dan.

Nice work as usual. As you said don't mess with approvals but........the actual print did not look as rich in color as probably intended. My highend separators are also off site but we have a good synergy. They have a good understanding of the print process and I have a reasonable understanding of what they do. When that comes together success is practically guaranteed.
Good job!

And tony has come up for air.  ;D

Looks excellent! I'm not sure why you put blue in the grey teeth, but the result came out nice


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