Author Topic: Hix Swingman Pressure Sensor?  (Read 778 times)

Offline mimosatexas

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Hix Swingman Pressure Sensor?
« on: January 11, 2017, 11:58:09 AM »
Just started using one of the Hix Swingman 20 heat presses.  Love it so far, but the pressure sensor says "pressure high" even when loosened to the point of the heating element not touching the platen so clearly something is mis-calibrated or simply not working.  Anyone know how to calibrate the sensor (if possible) or what might be the issue?  Nothing about it in the user manual that I could find.  I left a message with Hix support already but have not heard back yet and figured someone in the wild may know what's up.  Press is still usable by feel of course, but would love to have the consistency provided by the sensor.  Thanks!