Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Just spoke to Chromaline rep.. He had the following to say: 1. Since my drying cabinet is not heated, my shop is not heated and it's winter, there is probably moisture in the emulsion which is keeping them from fully crosslinking. He suggested heating the screens with a space heater for a few minutes prior to exposure2. I'm probably under-exposing (I did exposure tests, but he says CP tex probably needs at least 2 minutes with a 5K halogen3. I'm wasting my time post-exposing a Diazo emulsion. This was news to me.. He says once the screen is exposed, it's "done" -- it will not continue to harden post-exposure.
Well since moisture levels are lower in the winter because the air is colder, I doubt it's that unless it's been particularly rainy.Skip the heater, use a dehumidifier. it will heat up the space as well as take the moisture out...win-win.