Author Topic: Printing color gradients - ow would you print this?  (Read 1176 times)

Offline Stinkhorn Press

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Printing color gradients - ow would you print this?
« on: December 20, 2016, 02:14:25 PM »
earlier this year we were printing on a manual press, flashing between most everything. have an auto now, some decent screens (thin thread statics), SOME inkling of how to run the auto -

how do you go about printing the best gradients between two colors? are there good rules of thumb for which color underlays the other?
attached is the gradient we're mocking up to print now - 304C left and 351C right on oxford grays. how would you print this?

there's a lot we don't know here and experience will help knock our heads right, but looking for any thoughts to jumpstart that process, thanks!

we've had some color fades that we've been forced to flash between (bright yellow to a bright fuchsia) is that just because of the translucency of those inks?

Offline kingscreen

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Re: Printing color gradients - ow would you print this?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2016, 02:50:02 PM »
We did something like that earlier this year.  We printed a solid underbase, a nearly solid Teal, and then a halftone screen for the Blue (with parts overlaying the Teal). 
3 screens.  White - Flash - Teal - Blue
Scott Garnett
King Screen

Offline Stinkhorn Press

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Re: Printing color gradients - ow would you print this?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2016, 05:56:14 PM »
We did something like that earlier this year.  We printed a solid underbase, a nearly solid Teal, and then a halftone screen for the Blue (with parts overlaying the Teal). 
3 screens.  White - Flash - Teal - Blue

wow, that's rather close in color.
going on independent crew gray heather i assume that shouldn't need a UB?

what the reasoning behind the teal being only "nearly" solid?