Author Topic: Anyone seen these LED Exposure Units from Maple Print Supply?  (Read 5446 times)

Offline Prince Art

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Re: Anyone seen these LED Exposure Units from Maple Print Supply?
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2016, 11:17:51 PM »
looks very similar to this one. You have to scroll down the page to see what I mean,18301.45.html

Maybe someone did copy this?

It looks even more like one I saw longer ago on "". The site is no longer accessible, but you can still see part of it here: It's virtually the same thing, except the "minexposure" included some white strips on a 2nd switch.

Just need to get a larger exposure unit. Your DIY situation has got the gears turning.

As the gears turn, weigh whether the time & research of DIY is a better investment than something like a used flo unit with a vac lid. I'm on the fence as to whether my build was the best use of my time & resources or not. I've had a pretty hard core do-it-from-scratch, all-by-yourself attitude... sometimes that's beneficial, sometimes it would be far better business to just bite the bullet, pay the money, get what you need sooner rather than later, and get on with taking care of customers. Just food for thought.
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Offline Maxie

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Re: Anyone seen these LED Exposure Units from Maple Print Supply?
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2016, 01:47:43 AM »
I am one of those who likes to build everything.   I also think the commercial exposure units are totally over priced.
Northlands link is great, I've never seem a strip being sold where they mention the wavelength, and it should work well with most emulsions.
Building a vacuum lid is not too difficult.      One thing, make the glass top bigger than you need for your screens and have the rubber on the lid seal on the glass.
Maxie Garb.
T Max Designs.
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Offline Prōdigium

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Re: Anyone seen these LED Exposure Units from Maple Print Supply?
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2016, 03:36:33 AM »
I have seen it, and calculated the output power based on the LED, which is very low. At best maybe 40 Watts? You could build your own like it for half the price if your interested in something like it, I mean truly that is NOT rocket science.

Or if you can hold out till just after the New Year, I can offer you up one that is similar with 120 watts of the right UV spectrum and is built much more solidly. Not really trying to pimp my stuff, as its still in the development phase...but models will be ready to ship after Christmas. Its basic yes, but will burn a solid screen for the money. A vacuum lid is coming, a compression lid will be on the first to ship. Simple on off power switch, use a handheld timer for exposure times...there is no need for a "light integrator" as mentioned, its perfect UV as such all you need is a timer.

This is a mock-up model to show how the layout is. For a 20x24 screen. This will be priced in a similar range as the Maple Print models.

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Re: Anyone seen these LED Exposure Units from Maple Print Supply?
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2016, 11:08:58 PM »
This is a mock-up model to show how the layout is. For a 20x24 screen. This will be priced in a similar range as the Maple Print models.

Very interested. I've seen some of your other posts.

Vacuum lid and an integrated timer would be key for us.

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