This is all just so interesting. It all comes down to what you are use to. When we migrated over to WB/DC it was to fill a demand we were seeing. It sucked for a few months. After that it is just ask around easier for us. Again for us, production speed is no different. Using a diazo emulsion I'll admit takes a few extra seconds, or even maybe extra minute to expose. But I'll take that any day as a trade off. Aside from colors that don't discharge so well, it eliminates the thought or need for underbase. We just ran 1200 hoodies today with a bright neon green, my guess is my total cost to produce those in the end is going to be cheaper than someone that would run that job in plastisol. Not to mention all the basic 1 color on black T's, for us it is really just 1 color!
I admit, in the last year probably I have become a ink/discharge snob. The feeling of plastisol on shirts really disgusts me ;D
I don't know that anyone has ever called me "sane" or "smart" but give me a 8 color discharge job over a plastisol job any day!! :P