Author Topic: Happy Veteran's day! Thank you for your service to all our vets.  (Read 919 times)

Offline blue moon

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Happy Veteran's day! Thank you for your service to all our vets.
« on: November 11, 2016, 11:27:07 AM »
To all of us that devoted time out of their life to serve this country, THANK YOU!


p.s. Any vets using our (Blue Moon) services, if you contact me today, I'll send you a 20% off coupon (on top of the standard 10% TSB discount).
Yes, we've won our share of awards, and yes, I've tested stuff and read the scientific papers, but ultimately take everything I say with more than just a grain of salt! So if you are looking for trouble, just do as I say or even better, do something I said years ago!

Offline bulldog

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Re: Happy Veteran's day! Thank you for your service to all our vets.
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2016, 11:29:23 AM »
To all of us that devoted time out of their life to serve this country, THANK YOU!


p.s. Any vets using our (Blue Moon) services, if you contact me today, I'll send you a 20% off coupon (on top of the standard 10% TSB discount).

I second this.

Offline BP

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Re: Happy Veteran's day! Thank you for your service to all our vets.
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2016, 11:42:44 AM »
YES, Thank you all!!