Author Topic: USA Elections, whaddya think?  (Read 24355 times)

Offline kingscreen

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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #60 on: November 11, 2016, 10:37:13 AM »
The Electoral College gave us Trump, not voters.  Clinton won the popular vote.
But the bigger issue here is that over 90 million registered voters, didn't vote at all. 

Scott Garnett
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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #61 on: November 11, 2016, 10:41:39 AM »
The Electoral College gave us Trump, not voters.  Clinton won the popular vote.
But the bigger issue here is that over 90 million registered voters, didn't vote at all.

of course they didn't because in states that are solidly blue or solidly red, what's the point in voting?

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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #62 on: November 11, 2016, 10:49:15 AM »
I guess if your attacker is bigger and stronger than you are it's just best to lay down and die.  Right?
Scott Garnett
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Offline Denis Kolar

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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #63 on: November 11, 2016, 10:59:38 AM »
this describes it PERFECTLY for me.  Warning, language...and really annoying camera work.


Offline mimosatexas

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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #64 on: November 11, 2016, 11:03:59 AM »
I understand the point of the electoral college in theory, but it really doesn't make much sense with current demographics and the broad range of complex issues government has to tackle.  Of course, first past the post voting is also archaic and inherently flawed vs a number of other voting systems designed and tested around the world over the last 240 years.  At the time we formed our system, it was revolutionary and in many ways it "works", but we really should be implementing systems that encourage broadened representation and forces coalition governance among a spectrum of political ideologies. 

Maine passed ranked voting this week though, so we will finally have at least a small sampling of how those systems work in and against our broader FPTP system.  Everyone on both sides saying Bernie would have won instead of Hillary would probably have seen that happen in a ranked voting system where all 3 of those candidates were on the ballot for example.  It will be interesting to see if the concept becomes popular and we finally have a true means for more parties to become involved at the federal level.

As for lack of participation, it is of course a huge issue, especially considering Trump's "broad support" was actually lower than Romney or McCain and they both lost.  People can believe whatever they want, but the reality of this election is turnout was horrible, and while Clinton being a "bad" candidate probably played a role, so did gutting the Voting Rights Act.  I also think we seriously need to encourage wider participation by making Election Day a holiday, making registering and verifying your vote easier, and stopping with the shenanigans that try to limit turnout in the name of stopping individual voter fraud which happens on a scale that is so small that it is absolutely a non-issue in our elections.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 11:08:39 AM by mimosatexas »

Offline inkman996

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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #65 on: November 11, 2016, 11:10:50 AM »
The video was awesome and well said by the Brit. What is sad tho is he is dead right Trump represents change no matter what the change is, but Trump is already showing his true colors and surrounding himself with Washington insiders and goddam lobbyists. Guliani and Christie are on the fast track to appointments, and close friends of major banking firms are being considered for Treasury. Wow! He is not draining the swamp he is bringing back the monsters.
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Offline mimosatexas

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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #66 on: November 11, 2016, 11:33:13 AM »
I think that is what is so disappointing, people were conned.  I don't think everyone is a racist and a misogynist for voting for Trump, but I do think he is both and I think there are large parts of his base that are as well.  The KKK is literally holding parades celebrating his win.  What I don't get though is why people think his murky promises of "change" somehow fully excused those views, especially when it is so obvious that those promises are hollow.  I mean the guy is surrounded by some of the most ridiculous career politicians and crony capitalist you can think of, yet you think he is going to "change" everything?  He ran a campaign on rhetoric designed specifically around the idea of "us vs them", and you think he is going to "unite" everyone?  He is already removing campaign promises from his website.  Congress has already shot down many of the rest.  The realities of the global economy mean the jobs aren't coming back, and renegotiating trade deals like NAFTA is going to freak over farmers and manufacturers even more.  I just don't get what people honestly thought would happen...

He has both the house and the senate so he should be able to effectively do whatever he wants.  When the only thing that happens is repealing Obamacare without an alternative and tax cuts for the rich, who are his supporters going to blame?

Offline bulldog

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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #67 on: November 11, 2016, 11:39:03 AM »
I think that is what is so disappointing, people were conned.  I don't think everyone is a racist and a misogynist for voting for Trump, but I do think he is both and I think there are large parts of his base that are as well.  The KKK is literally holding parades celebrating his win.  What I don't get though is why people think his murky promises of "change" somehow fully excused those views, especially when it is so obvious that those promises are hollow.  I mean the guy is surrounded by some of the most ridiculous career politicians and crony capitalist you can think of, yet you think he is going to "change" everything?  He ran a campaign on rhetoric designed specifically around the idea of "us vs them", and you think he is going to "unite" everyone?  He is already removing campaign promises from his website.  Congress has already shot down many of the rest.  The realities of the global economy mean the jobs aren't coming back, and renegotiating trade deals like NAFTA is going to freak over farmers and manufacturers even more.  I just don't get what people honestly thought would happen...

He has both the house and the senate so he should be able to effectively do whatever he wants.  When the only thing that happens is repealing Obamacare without an alternative and tax cuts for the rich, who are his supporters going to blame?

If he repeals Obamacare it will all be worth it.

Offline mimosatexas

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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #68 on: November 11, 2016, 11:41:26 AM »
I wonder if the 20+ million people who will lose their care would agree with you?  Will you be just as happy those people are getting freaked when your premiums continue to rise and you end up having to pay more out of pocket for less care?

Offline bulldog

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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #69 on: November 11, 2016, 11:49:02 AM »
I wonder if the 20+ million people who will lose their care would agree with you?  Will you be just as happy those people are getting freaked when your premiums continue to rise and you end up having to pay more out of pocket for less care?

It's not hard to get 20 million people on it when you MAKE THEM SIGN UP FOR IT.

Again, we've already had this discussion and I'm sure this will get moved soon.

Simple math for you. I used to have a plan on my own that cost $50 a month with actually decent deductibles. I bought it on the free market (you know that evil thing you liberals hate so much.) I just checked today because my wife and I will be full time in our business come January 1st. The CHEAPEST plan for us both is $545.15 a month. Do you know what that includes? NOTHING. $7150 deductible EACH and it pays for NOTHING. No doctor visits, prescriptions, NOTHING. It is basically now what is considered a catastrophic plan, something you used to be able to buy for about $100/mo, if that.

You somehow think that is better than how it was before?

Sorry if I am not a willing participant in the liberal agenda to redistribute my wealth.

Thinking like yours is exactly why Trump is in office now.

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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #70 on: November 11, 2016, 11:56:18 AM »
It's correct that this result was a vote against the establishment, against the status quo, against the Clinton dynasty. People are fed up with stagnation and cronyism. The few that voted, anyway. Those who think their vote doesn't count are about half the population, apparently.

Trump wants to "drain the swamp." As he assembles his cabinet, we'll now get to see how serious he is about doing that. If he picks GOP politicians and Washington insiders, we'll know for certain if we've been duped.

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Offline mimosatexas

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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #71 on: November 11, 2016, 11:57:09 AM »
And when they repeal Obamacare that plan will cost just as much and be just as shitty.  But of course you will have the freedom to be uninsured at that point, so if you get sick or have an accident you can have the "freedom" of crushing medical debts and losing things you've worked hard for just so you don't die.  You will also have the freedom of your taxes going to pay for all those uninsured folks anyway, but having it cost everyone more in the end.

YOU are not the point though.  10's of millions of people who need that care are the point, and just because your selfishness blinds you to the perils of privatized profit motivated healthcare doesn't change the issues with it.

Offline inkman996

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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #72 on: November 11, 2016, 12:00:59 PM »
I can't remember anytime in my life where I could have bought decent insurance for a mere $50 a month. I have had company supplied insurance where my cost was about twice that but ofcourse the company had to pay their share. Funny thing is I pay about $100 now self bought and ok coverage. The only thing that really sucks about it is prescription cost.
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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #73 on: November 11, 2016, 12:02:51 PM »
There has to be a better way on health care... that's the real point. Obama Care was suppose to reduced costs... its drastically raised them. Mine has almost quadrupled.
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Offline aauusa

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Re: USA Elections, whaddya think?
« Reply #74 on: November 11, 2016, 12:03:20 PM »
I wonder if the 20+ million people who will lose their care would agree with you?  Will you be just as happy those people are getting freaked when your premiums continue to rise and you end up having to pay more out of pocket for less care?

why do you think ACA will be repealed?

you do know that to repeal ACA is must be done using the house and senate.  and the senate has enough democrats to fillibuster.  so a likely repeal of ACA is a mute point.

i looked at ACA plans and the cost was the same but coverage was less then what I pay now which is $500 month 1 person.  comapanies are leaving the ACA market because they are losing money.